Organise Your Life

organising is a practice not a project.png

Do you ever have that feeling that life is getting away from you, and you don’t even know where to begin to catch up? There’s nothing worse than being disorganised; especially when it holds you back from realising your potential.

A few habits, tricks and tools, used consistently, can help you stay on track of your commitments and deadlines, and takes the stress out of every day, leaving more time for enjoyment! A simple system of To Do lists, saving reading, bookmarking websites, organising emails, or scheduling your work, school, fitness and social time with a good calendar system can make all the difference between being on top of your life and constantly trying to catch up, missing opportunities to be your best self. A little organisation goes a long way, and this is the perfect week to get ahead of it!

READ: This article contains 7 great tools for you to use that will help keep everything from your reading to your time to your deadlines organised.

DO: I use ‘Pocket’ all the time to save articles I want to read later, or when I’m in a queue or on a train. Download Pocket to your device and your laptop now and never miss important reading!